Sophilabs Hosts the Montevideo Nodebots Team

Victoria Burghi
August 12, 2015

Nodebots Montevideo Team decided to get in on the celebration on International Nodebots Day.

And sophilabs was happy (and ready) to receive them.

“Nodebots is an event that brings together robotics enthusiasts and Javascript programmers in order to make robots and have fun. Each get-together includes a group of mentors who help resolve any doubts and/or questions you may have”

Nodebots 2015
Nodebots 2015

This time the mentors were Nicolás Gonzálvez, Pablo Ricco and Sebastián Sassi

The watchword was to create a robot programmed with Javascript to fight another robot.

Thanks guys for joining us on this amazing journey where we learned a lot and had a great time!

Nodebots workshop
Nodebots workshop
Nodebots workshop
Nodebots workshop
Nodebots sumo robot
Nodebots sumo robot
Nodebots attendees and mentors
Nodebots attendees and mentors
"Sophilabs Hosts the Montevideo Nodebots Team" by Victoria Burghi is licensed under CC BY SA. Source code examples are licensed under MIT.

Photo by sophilabs.

Categorized under community / workshops.

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